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sleeping in the class

mam: kiran why are you sleeping in the class room?
kiran: mam your voice really so sweet that's why iam sleeping
teacher look after other students and says
why other students are not sleeping
kiran : they are not listening to you mam
why girls marry earlier than boys
because ladies first
Today, we're going to talk about the tenses.
teacher : if I say "I am beautiful," which tense is it?
The student says: Obviously it's the past tense.
Niran and his girlfriend, are going to a fair. They are in line to ride the ferris wheel when it shuts down.
Niran says: "It's a sin for those people to keep us waiting like this!"
The girl replies: "No - it's a cosin, silly!!!"
English Teacher
kiran recently join the new school and in the first day. english teacher asked him

kiran: whatever my mom says
kiran:sir i need to go to bathroom
Teacher: first say about A B C D's then only
kiran: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Teacher: hmmm you forget the P
kiran: no sir i didn't it's running down my leg
ATM password
Niran was drawing money from Nepal Bank by ATM, Kiran behind him said Ha! Ha! Haaa! i've seen your password
Its 4 asterisks( **** )
thenNiran replied Ha! Ha! Haaa! you are wrong Its "9849"
kiran was the class teacher of the kindergarden. at the end of the school year,the pupils used togive gift to teacher so, at first florist's daughter handed a gift, he shook it held it overhead and said.i know what is it. it's flower right. girl said that's right.
the next pupil was candy shop owner's son, kiran held his gift overhead, shook it and said.i know what is it, its a box of sweet. yes sir said pupil. but how do you know teacher, "oh just a wild guess"
the next gift was from the son of the liquor store owner. kiran held the packet overhead, but it was leaking, he touched a drop of the leakage in the finger and touched to her tongue. it's a wine he said. the pupil said no no sir. again kiran taking large drop of leakage to the tongue and said it's a champange? pupil said no. kiran takes one more drops before declaring, "i give up" what is it? with the great glee, the boy replied " it's a PUPPY"
How to write 99
kiran: niran write 99
Niran: how?
kiran: write 9 and another 9 beside it.
niran write 9 and stopped
kiran: what are you waiting for
niran: i don't know which side to write another 9
Niran: kiran if you have Rs. 100 and i ask you Rs. 50 loan, then how many rupee remain with you.
Kiran: hundred rupee
Niran: no kiran it will remain 50
kiran : no it will remain 100
niran : kiran i have your 50 rupee as loan.
kiran : that's why it will remain 100
niran: how???????????
kirna: just because you ask me loan of Rs 50, it doesn't mean that iam going to give you.

Kiran: hundred rupee
Niran: no kiran it will remain 50
kiran : no it will remain 100
niran : kiran i have your 50 rupee as loan.
kiran : that's why it will remain 100
niran: how???????????
kirna: just because you ask me loan of Rs 50, it doesn't mean that iam going to give you.