teacher :who was birbal?
Student: thaha chaina sir
sir: ta Bajya lai padai ma dhyan bhaye po thaha huncha?
Studen t:who were milan, anil, sanjay ?
Sir: k thaha?
Student :afnu chori ma dhayan bhaye bho thaha huncha?
Kiran : how many apples can u.eat in
empty stomach?
Girl: i can eat 7 aples.
kiran:no u can eat only 1 apple in
empty stomach coz when.u eat
2nd apple thats not in empty
Girl: wow supper joke i'll tell my
Girl to other girl:. How many apple
can u eat in empty stomach?
Other girl: i can eat 10.
Girl: haaaree..... 7bhaneko
bhaye.euta dami joke bhanthe.
Student: thaha chaina sir

Studen t:who were milan, anil, sanjay ?
Sir: k thaha?
Student :afnu chori ma dhayan bhaye bho thaha huncha?
Kiran : how many apples can u.eat in
empty stomach?
Girl: i can eat 7 aples.
kiran:no u can eat only 1 apple in
empty stomach coz when.u eat
2nd apple thats not in empty
Girl: wow supper joke i'll tell my
Girl to other girl:. How many apple
can u eat in empty stomach?
Other girl: i can eat 10.
Girl: haaaree..... 7bhaneko
bhaye.euta dami joke bhanthe.
british : you Nepales are differ in colors,
look we are all white..?
Nepalese Reply : Horses are in different
donkeys are all the same.!
kiran asked to niran : Which Comes First ? Sun Or
Moon ?
Niran: Firstly Moon Then Sun
kiran : how? and why?
Niran : Son comes only after