hamro samaj

kiran shrestha 5:32 AM | ,

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Back to Class

kiran shrestha 9:24 PM |

teacher: what is your name? student: sir mero naam kiran shrestha ho teacher: when i ask your name in English then give me answer in english student; sir my name is RAY GREAT TEACHER ASKED ANOTHER STUDENT Teacher; what is your name? student: my name is Beautiful Red Underwear teacher: what kinds of name is that? don't joke with me. tell your name correctly student: sir my name is sunderlal chadda  teacher: what happen in 2007? student: sir democracy was established teacher: what happen in 2036? student: sir people...
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all computer jokes

kiran shrestha 8:58 PM | ,

TECH: "Yes, it is. How may I help you?" KIRAN: "The cup holder on my PC is broken -and I am within my warranty period. now how can i get that thigs fixed TECH: "I'm sorry, but did you say a cup holder?"                       KIRAN: "Yes, it's attached to the front of my computer." TECH: "Please excuse me. If I seem a bit stumped, it's because I am. Did you receive this as part of...
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fun with jokes

kiran shrestha 12:20 AM | , , ,

kiran went to face the interview interviewer: where were you born?                                             kiran: Nepal interviewer: which part? kiran: which part? sabai body part ni.....( whole body part was born in nepal) kiran and niran were fixing bomb in a bus Niran: what would you do if the bumb explodes while fixing kiran:...
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