java interview

kiran shrestha 11:24 PM |

        interview for java office 
Interviewer: What are the difference between Threads and process?
kiran : Threads are small ropes. Make a rope from threads is an example for

Interviewer: Tell me about JAR file ?
kiran : File that can be kept inside a jar.

Interviewer: What is JINI?
kiran : JINI is a ghost which was Aladdin’s friend who fullfil the wishes

Interviewer: What is bean ? Where it can be used ?
kiran :  Bean is a kind of vegetable. it is used in kitchen for cooking vegitable

Interviewer: What is the use of Servlets ?
kiran: In hotels, we use to replace servers.

Interviewer: Explain RMI Architecture?
kiran : sorry sir I am a computer professional not an architect student.

Interviewer: How to communicate two  threads each other ?
kiran: Sorry, Non living things can’t communicate with each other.

Interviewer: Can I modify an object in CORBA?
kiran :hmm As you wish , I do not have any objections.

Interviewer: I want to store more than 15 objects in a remote server? Which
methodology will follow?
kiran : Send it through courier

Interviewer: Explain 2 tier and 3 -tier Architecture ?
kiran :  2 wheelers like Apachi bikes will have 2 tyres and autorickshaws will
have 3 tyres.

Interviewer: What is JFC ?
kiran :  Jilebi, Fanta & clise


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